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Gum Disease Treatment


Gum Disease Treatment

Gum disease is something that’s treated between your homecare and the professionals at concierge Dental group.  

Studies have shown that up to a third of Americans have gum disease that goes untreated. It’s important to treat gum disease in the dental practice with us and at home. Most of our periodontal patients come 3 to 4 times a year for professional care, and the rest of the year it’s treated at home. We give you all of the instructions and information that you need to properly take care of yourself and keep it at bay. 

You know, gum disease is reversible, but it never truly goes away. So with proper maintenance and professional oversight, you can keep your teeth even if you have gum disease for many, many years to come. 

Gum disease is diagnosed through a few different ways. One, we establish how much bone loss has occurred. And two, we determine how inflamed the gums are. We have a number of different treatment modalities to solve those problems for you, including scaling and route planning. Normal dental cleanings can also assist. We have medicines that we can place right in the gum and we also have rinses and medicines that you can take at home. 

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